
The EIS is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion within Scottish education and our society.

Your Union, Your Voice

Voices in Union

The EIS continues to work towards a diverse, inclusive education system, and equitable workplaces for all. Since 2020, the EIS has worked on expanding our equality activism, including growing informal equality networks for groups who are underrepresented in the union and in education; LGBT, disabled and BAME workers.

In this learning series we will explore a range of key equality topics of current interest to the EIS.

Equality Fairwork

In this series we explore a range of key equality topics of current interest to the EIS and provide how-to guides for skills that may help in your work to address these topics and gain momentum locally.

The EIS continues to work towards a diverse, inclusive education system, and equitable workplaces for all. Since 2020, the EIS has worked on expanding our equality activism, including growing informal equality networks for groups who are underrepresented in the union and in education; LGBT, disabled and BAME workers.

Anti Racism

The EIS is committed to the promotion of sound learning, rooted in equality. We oppose racism in all its forms, and advocate for educational establishments to be safe, inclusive environments for all children, young people and staff.

On this area of our website, you can find out more about the EIS’s work towards race equality, access opportunities, events and learning, and useful anti-racist learning resources.

If you have a suggestion for what you think should be included on the website, please email John Harris (jharris@eis.org.uk).

Taster Training

The EIS is pleased to announce the launch of a new online training offer, Equality Taster Training. 

This training will: 

  • Increase your knowledge of equality legislation and how it relates to education

  • Raise your awareness of inequality and increase your confidence in addressing it 

The Equality Taster Training consists of four modules which can be completed flexibly to work around your time. The complete training will take around 2-4 hours to complete, depending on the amount of additional reading you choose to do.