Equality: Fair Work

Taking Fair Work Forward

Week 3b: Creating surveys online

Welcome back to Taking Fair Work Forward – a learning course on emerging issues, for EIS equality rep. In this course, we wanted to link in key learning on equality issues, with current matters affecting education.

A lay of the land

A key strength of trade unions is the ability to join members’ voices together. Oftentimes, we know that the experiences of members who face inequality, are likely to be siloed or treated as individual issues by employers. When it comes to long-Covid, this may mean that the full extent of the issue is unknown, and our ability to organise around the issue, is impacted.

Last week, we looked at gathering anonymous information in meetings. Through the use of surveys, we can achieve an even fuller picture of members’ views on important topics and shed light on their experiences. Survey data can powerfully illustrate the extent of an issue, and through the use of open-ended questions, examples can provide life to quantitative data, too.  

In this learning, we will consider how to create short, impactful surveys with findings that can be used in workplace organising and employer negotiations. You can create your own SurveyMonkey account and create a draft survey related to the topic of reasonable adjustments. Your fellow Fair Work Forward Equality Reps will be your participants and test out your survey, so remember to post the link on the Padlet, and respond to others’ surveys, too!

This Weeks Topics

1. Introduction

Learning points

  • There are many tools that provide anonymous surveys and provide data analysis, so choose whichever tool you are most familiar with. For the purpose of this learning, we will use SurveyMonkey
  • Survey data can be used for a range of purposes; to gather opinions or experiences, to gain feedback, to establish prevalence and so much more. Survey data makes trends visible
  • Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/user/sign-up/ and create a free account on SurveyMonkey

Archive Material

View our archived material on Fair-Work within Scotland’s education system