Equality: Fair Work

Taking Fair Work Forward

Week 5b: Using social media effectively

Welcome back to Taking Fair Work Forward – a learning course on emerging issues, for EIS equality rep. In this course, we wanted to link in key learning on equality issues, with current matters affecting education.

This Weeks Topics

About this week

Social media are near-instant communication tools that can help social justice movements raise awareness, amplify seldom heard voices and bring people together who otherwise might never find one another.

Social media activism also risks greater misunderstandings, due to the nature of short soundbite sharing rather than deeper conversation – and may lead to unwanted attention, cause misunderstandings, and can expose individuals in ways that are detrimental to their wellbeing.

Effective social media use can be incredibly powerful when consideration is given to the strengths and pitfalls of these platforms.

In this learning, we will consider approaches to social media, and some points for consideration. As an example, we will look at drafting a social media post about anti-racism, using Twitter as an example.

2. Activity – draft a social media post

The purpose of this activity is not to post anything, but just to have a go!

  1. Open and create an account on Twitter, you can set this to private if you do not already have a Twitter account. This is just for practice! If you would prefer not to create a Twitter account, you can use another social media platform of your choice, or just type out your message in Microsoft Word.
  2. Consider the purpose of your post – what from your previous learning on anti-racism, do you want to share with members?
  3. Twitter limits each post to 280 characters, construct your message within this limit and consider accessible language, finishing on an action-oriented message.
  4. Are there any visuals that could go with your post, that could boost it? Perhaps a return to Canva?
  5. Once you have constructed your post, take a screenshot of your draft, and share to Padlet!

Archive Material

View our archived material on Fair-Work within Scotland’s education system