Equality: Fair Work

Taking Fair Work Forward

Week 2b: Using MentiMeter to gather anonymous data in online meetings

See you on the internet?

Though many meetings are now again taking place in person, there is much to be learnt from the shift to meeting online during the pandemic.

Effective online meetings can enable more people to participate and can be helpful spaces for gathering anonymous data. And the learning from our time online can be integrated into in-person meetings, too!

For many disabled, and neurodivergent workers, online meetings can be more accessible, and this is often also the case for parents and carers, and people who live further afield.


In this learning, we will consider learning from online meetings and look at some examples of the types of information that can be gathered using MentiMeter. You can create your own MentiMeter account and create a draft presentation related to the topic of Autism Appropriate Workplaces. 

3. Activity – create a MentiMeter presentation

This activity is intended as a practice, which hopefully this will get you thinking about the process of gathering anonymous data using an online platform.

Consider two questions you would like to find out from your participants (could be a member meeting or employer?), in relation to Autism Appropriate Workplaces. For example, if your purpose in bringing up this topic was to ascertain existing knowledge, you could ask questions related to:

  • whether participants themselves are, or know someone that is, autistic
  • if participants have had any training previously on autism

Think about how you would frame your questions clearly and sensitively.

  1. Open and create an account on MentiMeter
  2. Press ‘New Presentation’ – you can title it something related to ‘Autism Appropriate Workplaces’
  3. Select question type for your first question – good to start with a simple multiple-choice question. Type in your question and provide the separate options (yes/no/unsure). Choose result layout and press ‘Done’
  4. Select ‘New Slide’ and repeat the process, this time choosing ‘open ended’ for a question inviting more detailed responses. Please note that respondents should be instructed to write in all their complete entry before they press submit.
  5. Note the ‘Present’ button on your screen – you can now share your presentation via online screen sharing/ or a as a presentation in-person via your computer.
  6. When presenting, there will be a code on the top of your screen which participants can use to answer the questions. Responses will come in in real time as you do this. You may want to choose to pause sharing while responses come in.
  7. Once done, you simply close the page – your responses are saved and can be downloaded!

You can upload screenshots to your Padlet, or simply type in your questions.

Reflect on how you found this process, what ideas came up for you?

Archive Material

View our archived material on Fair-Work within Scotland’s education system