Equality: Anti-Racism

Promoting Equality in Education

Guidance and Policy

Briefing: Holocaust Education

This briefing paper aims to support EIS members in their provision of Holocaust Education, which the EIS believes should be embedded as a key feature of the Curriculum for Excellence, as one means of delivering the inclusive education system and society we wish to see.

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Challenging Anti-Muslim Prejudice

In response to the increase in hostility and prejudice towards Islam and Muslims, it is more important than ever for staff and students within educational establishments to understand how to prevent and challenge prejudicial attitudes and behaviours towards Muslims, and people perceived as Muslim

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The Glasgow EIS Statutory Ballot to fight cuts to teacher numbers is now open and will close on February 4th. Look our for your papers arriving in a yellow envelope, if you have not received your ballot papers by 9th January, contact ballot@eis.org.uk to request a replacement…

'A matter of deep concern'

Teachers' union fears music lessons could be ‘soft target’ for council spending cuts


Teachers in Scotland have been left out of pocket - potentially to the extent of tens of millions of pounds - after being overtaxed on back pay in the wake of the pay dispute that ended in early March 2023, says @EISUnion

Hope everyone had a relaxing break. Make your new year's resolution to build the coalition for investment in education. Make sure you're coming to next week's public meeting, and you're bringing teachers and parents with you. See you next Thursday!

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